What would life be like if you
could no longer work to earn
a paycheck?

Income Protection

For most people, the consequences of no income would be financially devastating.

Income Protection provides a financial benefit if you are unable to work due to an accident or a sickness.

While many people insure their life, home, vehicles etc., most people fail to insure their income.

Benefits are paid to you usually weekly or monthly and may be tax free.

Certainly, you are worth it.
Let’s look at a plan that will fit your situation.

Judy Armstrong


that just over 1 in 4 of today’s 20-year old’s will become disabled before they retire.

Statistics from the Council for Disability Awareness show that your chances of becoming disabled before age 65 are:

  • Greater than dying,
  • Greater than your house being destroyed and
  • Greater than your car being totaled in an accident.